Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blogs I Can't Do Without!!!

I think i'm going to burst if I don't share this with you guys!!!!!!!! I know I myself am crafty but I do get alot of inspiration from other blogs I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AND CAN'T DO WITHOUT!!!!!!! And so now I'm sure your thinking by now "SHARE ALREADY WOMAN", so here goes nothin!!! My all time favorite so far has to be Miss Geneva Vanderzeil's apairandaspare, she is too amazing here tutorials are so easy it's ridiculous!!!!!!!! Love her! The next would have to be Mrs. Liz Bryson of CottonandCurls a super sweet Mormon mommy and fashion blogger with the cuttest little guys!!!! I swear you would just die lol!!!You will never get tired on this site you will want to sew and rip up and repurpose everything you own lol!!! And my third favorite would have to be Miss Annika the Australian fashion/science blogger from PineneedleCollective. This girl knows how to dress yall!!! She reminds me of a little "big" dress up doll, I could just take her home...if I wasn't from Texas lol!!! And I love her hair colors! They all seem to corridinate with her adorable wardrobe!!! And her D.I.Y's are also amazing to boot!!!! So guys I've spilled the beans, now go visit these guys!!! OR I'm pretty sure you going to melt like the wicked witch of the west okay (not kidding). Have a great day you guys!!!!! And I will try to post a D.I.Y super soon!!!!

Miss. Vanderziel from apairandaspare

Mrs. Liz Bryson from CottonandCurls

And Miss. Annika the PineNeedle-Collective


  1. Only THIRD favourite?! Hahaha ;) I'm kidding. Thanks for the lovely write-up, you gorgeous thing :)

    1. I'm pretty sure this just made my life lol!!! Abd your the gorgeous one!!! I'm making the cape coat and should be posting it soon!!!
